Tuesday, 28 June 2016

Science Week 2016

Science Week Started with an amazing assembly on Monday 27th by a Science Wizard!

Sunday, 19 June 2016

More Art work

We studied the work of Paul Ruben.

Monday, 13 June 2016

Arts Week 2016

We started our Arts Week today with an interesting and engaging workshop with Mr. Junkman!

First, we learnt how to make different musical instruments (trumpets, drums, shakers and guitars) from day to day materials used at home and school.

Dance moves

Band members ready to take position.

All set!

1T Children Band playing different musical instruments made from junk materials!

"We had mega fun!"
"We will be making our own musical instruments."
"Thank you Mr. Junkman!"

Friday, 10 June 2016

Celebration Galore!

JB @ 70! & Queen Elizabeth II @ 90!

Street party

VIPs arrive!

One of the First set of JB students - Mr Derek Hall

Live Tibby

Article 12 members and VIPs off to bury the Time Capsule.

History Exhibition in the hall

Street party continues.  All having fun!

Exhibition!  Exhibition!  Exhibition!

Matching VIPs to their selves!

Happy birthday John Bramston Primary School and Queen Elizabeth II!