Friday, 22 January 2016

Penrith Park Trip

Tibby's Adventure to Penrith Park with Year 1

In order to observe Seasonal Changes - our Science focus for this term, we visited Penrith Park today!
Have a peek at our morning of excitement, observation and investigation.

We went with Tibby - our school mascot and as the weather is very cold now, we all wrapped up warm before our adventure and Tibby too!

Back in School

"Our adults told us we represented our school well and Tibby agreed with them."
"Thank you Mrs Legon and Mrs Kurash!"

Thursday, 21 January 2016

Adrian Townsend Visits KS1 & Reception

A visit by a famous Author (Adrian Townsend) to our School! We are raising our writing Skills! 
There's no stopping us!

"Thank you Mrs Abela for inviting the author!"
"Thanks for all your writing tips Adrian!"